Project monitoring

You received your ’notice of granting’! Congratulations! Your project plan, your financial plan are now inherent parts of the grant agreement. Not in sum but in every single detail. The European Union gives you money. In return the EU expects the meticulous compliance with every single programme step.

What may happen:

  • Project part A gets more expensive, project part B less expensive than planned. Other than you may be used to in normal projects, without more ado, you may not compensate additional expenditures in part A with savings in part B.
  • One of your Project partners has difficulties to deliver his work package within the pre-defined time schedule.
  • Suddenly some communicative obstacles may appear with the EU or with a project partner.

I will assist you to stay on course, before the ship gets out of hand – by the hour, by the day, on site, or from afar.

Before the ship gets off course.